In February 2025, Maersk A/S (Maersk), an entity under A.P. Moller – Maersk, and Hapag-Lloyd AG (Hapag-Lloyd) launch their operational collaboration Gemini Cooperation. The ambition is to deliver a flexible and interconnected ocean network with industry-leading schedule reliability above 90 percent once fully phased in.
Since the two companies unveiled the new long-term collaboration in January 2024, they have been working on finalising the details of the operational collaboration which covers a joint ocean freight network on East-West trades.
With around five months to launch, Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd are now ready to share an update covering finalised service maps and how the network has evolved since the announcement in January 2024. Additionally, the companies are also presenting an alternative Cape of Good Hope network due to the on-going disruptions in the Red Sea.
In October 2024, the Gemini Cooperation will announce which network it expects to put to sea in February 2025.
Depending on which network the cooperation will phase in, the new network consists of either 27 or 29 efficient ocean mainliner services supported by an extensive network of 30 agile, intraregional shuttle services. The collaboration will comprise of either 300 or 340 vessels…
The full statement can be found here.