In case the product is out of stock, you can also give them store credit for that amount This helps businesses save money now and encourages customers to shop with them again through store credit.
5. Communicate with customers at every step:
Alleviating customer anxiety is especially crucial in the case of a return, especially after the return is picked up because at that time the customer is waiting for the money or exchange back.Shipway helps you control customer anxiety by sending customers regular order alerts at every step of the return process. Apart from that, via Shipway you can also record the reason for the return.
At last, as we know, happy customers are repeat customers, and a smooth return process helps with just that!
Return automation takes the hassle out of your reverse logistics to not only make your return process smooth but also help improve your customer experience! This not only boosts customer satisfaction but also saves you time and money.Â
Make returns a breeze for you and your customers with Shipway!Â