Imagine just spending hours editing videos to post them on social media only to get two views, one from your main account and another from your second account.
This can be just a day in the life of social media creators who don’t optimize their videos.
Just like articles on websites, videos on social media need to be optimized too. No matter it’s animated explainer videos, tutorials, or testimonials. So the whole process doesn’t stop at cutting and cropping– it’s about maximizing reach, engagement, and impact. Let’s dove into video content optimization on social media platforms.
Every social media platform has its own preferred video length. Even different features are designed for specific durations to cater to the diverse preferences of users.
TikTok is best for short-length or live-streaming videos. YouTube might be better for your longer-form videos. But, there’s YouTube Shorts where you can post shorter videos.
The point here is that you need to understand these nuances to maximize engagement and reach your target audience effectively. Always tailor your video content to suit the platform’s preferences and capabilities.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a short-form video or a longer-form video; there’s no such thing as “saving the best for last” on social media. Go straight to the point. If you don’t hook them within the first few seconds, users will scroll down your videos in less than one second.
Grab your audience’s attention from the get-go by starting with your most captivating motion graphic content or a compelling question. Don’t waste time with lengthy introductions or unnecessary preamble. Get to the heart of your message immediately.
Optimize for Mobile Viewing
The vast majority of the world’s internet users (96.5%) use a mobile phone to go online at least some of the time. With this staggering number, make sure that your videos are accessible to mobile users.
This means that the video is formatted to fit smaller screens, with clear visuals and legible text. Consider aspects like load times and data usage, as mobile users may have limited bandwidth.
Don’t forget the captions so that everyone can know what the video is all about, even when they play it on mute. Captions also help users with hearing impairments to engage with your content fully.
Write Keyword-Based Captions
Keywords might be the old-school method in SEO. Believe it or not, it still plays a crucial role in optimizing your video content for searchability and discoverability on social media platforms.
Incorporating relevant keywords into your captions increases the chances of your videos being surfaced in search results and recommended feeds. Think about what terms your target audience might use when searching for content like yours, and strategically integrate those keywords into your captions.
For example, if you’re an e-commerce business, include keywords related to your products or industry in your captions. This could be specific product names or categories.
One thing to bear in mind here, though. Keep everything natural. You don’t have to force keywords into sentences or sacrifice readability for the sake of optimization. Strike a balance between incorporating keywords seamlessly and maintaining the overall flow and coherence of your captions.
Most social media platforms will automatically pick a thumbnail for your video, but relying on these defaults might not always serve your best interests and maybe aesthetics. Creating custom thumbnails allows you to control the first impression your video makes on viewers as they scroll through their feeds.
A compelling thumbnail can entice users to stop scrolling and click on your video, increasing your view count and engagement. When crafting custom thumbnails, choose images that accurately represent the content of your video and incorporate eye-catching visuals or text overlays to grab attention.
Don’t Forget the Hashtag
Hashtags might sound like a thing of the past when Instagram still had that Polaroid logo. But just like keyword research, it’s a powerful tool to optimize your videos and give them a boost.
When used strategically, hashtags can expand your reach, connect you with relevant communities, and amplify the visibility of your videos. So, research popular and niche hashtags related to your content and audience, and include them in your video captions or comments.
But remember, moderation is key – don’t overload your posts with hashtags or use irrelevant ones. Choose quality over quantity to ensure your hashtags are effective in attracting the right audience to your videos.
Social media video optimization isn’t a one-time effort. It should be an ongoing process. You can’t expect your video to go viral right after you do everything listed above.
Consistency is key to building momentum and increasing your chances of success. Keep analyzing your metrics, experimenting with different strategies, and refining your approach based on what works best for your audience.
Staying committed to continuous improvement and adapting to evolving trends means that you give yourself a chance to gradually improve video performance and drive better results over time.
Take Your Social Media Videos to the Next Level
Who doesn’t want their videos to get the limelight they deserve? Taking an extra effort doesn’t only bring you an advantage of more traction, but also helps you appear more professionally.
When you optimize every aspect of your social media videos, from content to presentation, you demonstrate a commitment to quality and attention to detail. This is how you build your credibility while increasing the likelihood of attracting and retaining viewers.
Author Bio
Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video production company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos.